
  • Finding a percentage of a number

    200 * 5%
  • Adding/subtracting percentages from a base number

    100 + 10%
    200 - 20%
  • Asking for the percentage of 60 that 20 represents

    20 is what % of 60
  • Searching for the base value from which 25% equals 5

      5 is 25% of what
  • Looking for the original amount before an increase of 25% was added to make it 5

    5 is 25% on what
    or in other forms:
    25% on what is 5
    what plus 25% is 5
  • Looking for the original amount before a decrease of 25% was subtracted to make it 5

    5 is 25% off what
    or in other forms:
    what minus 25% is 5
    25% off what is 5
  • Looking for the percentage increase or decrease

    44 is what % on 40
    24 is what % off 300


You don't need to memorize these percentage expressions; generally, if I need any percentage-related expression, I type a % sign and invoke autocompletion with CTRL Space, which lists the operations.