Working with binary numbers

Numbers can also be provided in binary and hexadecimal formats, using the 0x and 0b prefixes respectively.

input = 0xc0e0_0000
input = 0b1111 0000 1111

Results also can be displayed in hexadecimal and binary forms as well.
To switch between them, stand on the given line and press ALT ← or ALT →.

# Write your input here
input = 0xc0e00000
// use ALT+(Left|Right) while 
// the cursor is on the above line
// to change to hex or binary representation

# interpreting input as...
## ...several unsigned data types
input & 0xFF                  //  u8
input & 0xFFFF                // u16
input & 0xFFFFFFFF            // u32
input & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF    // u64

## ...file sizes / number of bytes
input = input bytes
input in kilobytes
input in MB
input in GB
// ... *ibi-bytes
input in KiB
input in MiB
input in GiB

Developers can use their loved operators as well

bit shifting 0b0001 << 4
(0b1100 & 0b0011) | 0x08 & ~1