
There is the possibility to represent vectors or matrices and perform operations on them. A vector is described by separating its elements with commas and enclosing them in brackets.

pos = [1, 2, 3]
dir = [3, 2, 1]
new pos = pos + dir

To edit a vector, you need to navigate into it with the cursor, and then each element can be edited individually.
Upon leaving the vector, its elements are automatically saved, and its representation reverts back to vector form.

During editing, it's also possible to add elements simply by writing the new element's value into one of the boxes, separated by a comma.


Matrices are essentially lists containing vectors, separated by semicolons. So, for example, the matrix below is defined with the following string idetnity = [1, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1]

identity = [1, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1]
dir = [3, 2, 1]
same dir = dir * identity

The elements of vectors/matrices are evaluated in the same way as any other line in the note, meaning they can contain variables, line references, values with units, more complex expressions, etc.

daily rate = [$90, $100, $120]
annual gross = (daily rate * 20) * 12
tax free = $10k
tax base = annual gross - tax free
tax = tax base * 40%
net = annual gross - tax
monthly net = net / 12
current monthly salary = $1000
# Comparison
daily rate
monthly net
monthly net is what % on current monthly salary


When standing with the cursor in a matrix, we can easily change the dimensions of the matrix with the CTRL ALT →, CTRL ALT ←, CTRL ALT ↑ or CTRL ALT ↓ buttons.

Usually, when creating a matrix, I simply type a [ character, which automatically places the cursor into the editing mode of a 1x1 matrix, and from there, I just adjust the size with the aforementioned buttons, and then edit the individual elements.

Another method is using autocompletion: type a v or m letter and press CTRL Space; different size matrices names will appear in the popup panel, and by pressing enter, they will be inserted.